We are happy to announce a partnership with TribeOne — a NFT Funding ,Defi borrowing and lending platform.
NFT ALLEY platform users will get easier access to NFT funding through a seamless integration with TribeOne. This will further enable users to get loans to purchase various NFTs from NFT Alley marketplace.
“We believe that our collaboration with NFT Alley will drastically alter the NFT space making it an immaculate ecosystem for all the users. With this all in one Multi-Chain NFT Marketplace users will have access to the hidden gem of the DeFi space, NFTs.” — Tan Ahmad, Director of Partnership
“The alliance between NFT Alley and TribeOne would pave the way towards making NFT loans more accessible to the multitude. The whole team is very excited about the various prospects this portway will open us to.” — Swapnasagar Pradhan, co founder NFT Alley
About TribeOne
TribeOne is the world’s first AI-powered decentralized financial platform backed with RAROC (Risk-Adjusted Returns On Crypto) technology. TribeOne is extensively an NFT, lending, borrowing, saving, and credit risk platform that offers a seamless experience; to the users through its innovative consumer-centric products. The platform will break barriers in the traditional financial ecosystem and revolutionize the DeFi sphere as a whole. Providing the community with a platform to lend, borrow and invest in crypto assets and NFTs. Therefore, offering an unconventional experience for all.
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Email: contact@nftalley.io